March 22, 2020

“I am the light of the world; whoever follows me will have the light of life.”

In these strange times, how deeply grateful I am that it’s still possible to do what we human beings were made for — that is, to worship. But when we’ve been scattered hither and yon, and drastically isolated from one another, not necessarily by our own decision, but in the interests of public health, our worship is going to look somewhat different!

For the time being, Prince of Peace Church has been asked not to use Deane Chapel on Sundays. Like many churches — and schools, and businesses, etc. — we’re going to have to roll with the punches. And, like many churches, we’re going to make available what we can online for our community, thankful that we have at least that way of (sort of) connecting.

This coming Sunday — March 22, the fourth Sunday in Lent — Dr. Shasberger will host an online video “gathering” via Zoom. We’ll start at our usual time, 10:30 a.m. (Pacific), and we’ll sing, hear the word of God, and pray, each in our various locations, but visible to one another. There will be a sermon. There will be no Communion, as it escapes my wildest imagination how we could come to the table, and eat and drink together in obedience to Christ, remotely. But I’ll accept what we’ve been given with thanksgiving.

The link to our meeting on Sunday is

I’m afraid I’m no Zoom expert, but Dr. Shasberger (along with many of our students) has used Zoom quite a bit, and so will probably be able to help. The meeting will be viewable in a web browser, but, as far as I know, there are also apps available for desktop/laptops, tablets, and phones.

If you have access to a Lutheran Book of Worship, we’ll generally be following the order given for the “Service of the Word” on pages 126–130.

I’m glad we can pray for one another, for our family and neighbors, and for the world, even under the severest conditions of social distancing, quarantine, or lockdown. Please continue to do so. For our faith and love and hope are, and always will be, in God.